Payroll – Frequently Asked Questions
1. What’s special about Tax Bracket’s payroll service?
It’s the simplest, most reliable and economical payroll service available today. Our payroll offering is the first payroll service to fully leverage the Internet for every aspect of the payroll process, saving time for both the employer and employees. The end result? You can process your payroll in a fraction of the time, at a fraction of the cost, of your current method. In fact, most payrolls can be processed in under 5 minutes.
2. What advantages does your payroll service offer my employees?
With our payroll service, employees are now in control of their compensation and benefits to a degree never before possible. For example, they don’t even have to be in the office on payday. With direct deposit and our secure Web site, they can go online anywhere to print their pay stubs and review their complete payroll history.
3. Do I have to give up control of my Payroll?
Absolutely not. In fact, you retain “hands-on” control of the major aspects of distributing and processing payroll without the hassles. With Tax Bracket’s payroll service, you no longer have to depend on courier services, third- party data handlers, or employees whereabouts on payday.
4. How does the process work?
It’s quite simple. Enter your payroll information once at our secure Web site (or call/fax us, and we’ll do it for you). Tax and other deductions are calculated, and deposits are automatically made for you. From then on, completing each payroll is no more than a few clicks away. Employees are paid by direct deposit and receive e-mail notifications to go to a password protected Web site to view their pay stub.
5. Some of my employees have direct deposit but others prefer a paycheck every pay period. Can you handle both groups?
Certainly. You have the option of offering your employees a “paperless” check via e-mail and our secure Web site. Or if they prefer, you can print out a physical check and stub. Tax Bracket offers flexibility to both you and your employees.
6. Do you handle my taxes?
Tax Bracket automatically calculates, deducts, pays and files all taxes including federal, state and local. Once you enter your payroll data, we’ll handle the tax calculations, deductions and filings. We then deposit them into the appropriate government accounts. It’s that simple.
7. Is Tax Bracket’s payroll service complicated?
It’s easy to set up and practically effortless to operate. Start Simple(TM), our turnkey Internet set-up system, will walk you through every step of the process online. Once you’re set up, that’s it. All you need is your web browser and an Internet connection. Then, all it takes is a few clicks of your mouse and your payroll is done. Just think, now you can process your payroll in under 5 minutes — and move on to other business!
8. Do I need extra software or equipment?
No. All you need is a web browser and an Internet connection, and you’re in business. That’s it! There is no software to install, upgrade or maintain.
9. Is Tax Bracket accurate?
Yes. In fact, it’s guaranteed accurate. We guarantee that you will never incur an IRS penalty, assuming you provide accurate information. We also guarantee your complete satisfaction. If you’re not satisfied with any aspect of Tax Bracket, you can cancel your service anytime. You are not locked into a long term contract.
10. How much does Tax Bracket’s payroll service cost?
Traditional payroll service bureaus will charge you twice as much as Tax Bracket. We offer a simple fee structure with no hidden charges … and no costly add ons.
11. How can you offer this service with such low rates?
Tax Bracket leverages the power of the Internet. We have cut out the traditional costs associated with processing payroll: checks, pay stubs and reports are now delivered electronically instead of physically. We pass these savings on to you.
12. What about reliability and security?
Reliability and security are top priorities. We protect your data with the same care a bank uses to protect its deposits. Your data is secured behind Kevlar-lined walls, bulletproof glass and 24-hour security guards. All data transactions are authenticated by VeriSignTM — the leader in e-commerce security — and our Web site is secured with 128-bit encryption, a secure socket layer and Microsoft cluster redundant architecture.
13. How do I sign up for Tax Bracket?
It’s easy. Call us at 901-360-0711. We’ll have you up and running immediately.
14. What if I need help or have questions?
You can reach our customer support team by phone at 1-800-216-9522 or by email at They can give you the answers you need quickly.
Other Common Questions
1. When are monies for quarterly taxes deducted?
All funds for a current payroll, including tax liabilities, are deducted one day prior to the pay date.
2. Can we have more than one contact person?
Yes. Our payroll service allows your organization to have multiple contacts. Typically a company will identify a Payroll Administrator (responsible for running payroll) and a Payroll Approver (responsible for final payroll approval). These individuals can be identified during the Start Simple(TM) enrollment process. You may call Customer Service at 1-800-216-9522 for assistance, or send an email with your request to
3. Can the pay calendar be adjusted?
Yes. You can move the pay date for a particular payroll or to change your entire payroll calendar. You can contact Customer Service at 1-800-216-9522 for assistance, or send an email with your request to
4. What documentation is needed for you to process my payroll?
Federal regulations require that Tax Bracket receive complete and signed documentation before we can begin processing payroll. Documents needed include: 1) Payroll Services EFT Agreement; 2) State Power of Attorney (some may need to be notarized); 3) Tax Information Authorization; 4) Proof of Prior Balances (or most recent QTD/YTD reports).
Additionally, we request that you provide the following information shortly after being set-up as a customer: 1) Copies of quarterly and annual returns; 2) Tax deposit coupons; 3) Copies of State Registrations; 4) SUI Rate Change Notice. These documents will help facilitate future tax filings and payments. If you have any questions, please call Customer Service at 1-800-216-9522 for assistance, or send an email with your request to
5. Will Tax Bracket process payroll tax filings for a previous quarter or year?
We will only process payroll tax filings for the periods in which our services were used. Since we file and pay taxes on a current basis, there will never be a need for us to file or pay taxes for a previous quarter or year.
6. Can I submit pay adjustments for employees that are separate from their salary?
Yes. Within our Employee Payroll Data screen you may make adjustments to pay whether they are additional pay adjustment or one-time deductions. If you need further assistance, please call Customer Service at 1-800-216-9522, or send an email to
7. Can I track employees’ hours/salaries to different departments?
Yes. We can handle a range of job classifications levels that allows you to report payroll information for different departments, divisions and/or locations. This enables you to get a handle on labor expense allocations.
8. What reports are available to me?
Payroll Preview Report allows the Administrator and/or Approver to view the entire payroll before it is processed. Employee Level Paycheck Preview Report provides complete earnings, taxes and deductions information by employee before the payroll is processed. Payroll Summary details complete earnings, taxes and deductions for each past payroll. Benefits Report outlines the amount of paid time off (i.e. vacation/sick/personal) each employee has earned/used for Period-to-Date AND Year-to-Date. Department Summary Report provides at-a-glance review of employee costs by department, division and/or location. Department Detailed Report provides detailed department costs broken down by employee.
Other reports are being evaluated and prioritized for development based on customer input. If you have a specific report you would like to see, please call Customer Service at 1-800-216-9522, or send an email with your request to
9. Can my completed payroll data be directly exported into Excel/Quicken/QuickBooks?
No. Currently direct data exports are not available. Click here for suggestions of how to use Tax Bracket data in QuickBooks.
10. Will Tax Bracket help me track and accrue vacation, sick, and/or personal days?
Yes. Within the Employee Information screen, you will be able to adjust the rate at which each employee earns paid time off such as vacation, sick and personal time. You also have the ability to set a maximum number of accrued days per employee.
11. Can an employee receive multiple pay stubs or paychecks within the same pay cycle?
Yes. This feature may be accessed from the Payroll Entry screen.
12. Can we process a separate pay run in addition to the scheduled pay cycle?
Yes. This feature may be accessed from the Payroll Entry screen.
13. Can paychecks be reprinted if necessary? Will that affect the check number sequence?
Yes. If your printer jams when printing a paycheck, or if the paycheck becomes smudged or illegible during printing, you may reprint the check. Our system prompts you to re-enter the check number if there is a printing error. Therefore, your check number sequence will not be affected.
Don’t forget to void and/or destroy the original misprinted piece of paper.
14. How do I obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?
You can submit an application for a federal Employer Identification Number Form (SS-4) to the Internal Revenue Service. You may apply for and Federal EIN number by phone, fax or mail. Complete the SS-4 form and then follow the application instructions to apply. Call 1-800-829-1040 for more information.
15 How can I use data from Tax Bracket in my QuickBooks accounting software?
There are many ways you can use Tax Bracket data in your QuickBooks accounting software. We recommend using your Payroll Preview from Tax Bracket, and following these simple steps:
- Go to your Checkbook Register within QuickBooks
- Create a check for a vendor called “Payroll Expense”
- In the “Date” field, enter the payroll date
- In the “Number Type” field, enter EFT (for Electronic Funds Transfer)
- In the “Account” field, enter “Payroll Expense”
- In the “Payment” field, enter the actual dollar amount shown as the Amount Electronically Transmitted on your Payroll Preview.
- If you need to print paychecks for employees, we suggest recording these as separate checks within QuickBooks.
- If your employees are reimbursed for their expenses within their paycheck, we recommend using the “splits” function to record the specific expense type and amount.
16. How can I order check stock to print paychecks with Tax Bracket’s payroll service?
You can order Pre-Printed Laser Check Stock from Deluxe Checks at 1-800-336-4168 or Order Online.
Product Number:081064
Priority Code:K06543
17. Can I run payroll for employees outside of the United States?
Currently, Tax Bracket only process payroll for employees in the US, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. We do not adhere to foreign tax table that would enable us to process payroll in other countries